What Is A Paint Leveler?

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We all want to produce a piece of art that is free of errors. As a DIY person, you aim to produce a painting that is smooth and clear. With that in mind, note that the art of painting requires all of your input to realize desired results which is why you should pay attention to the finer details of the whole process of painting. This calls for total commitment which may include daily painting practices to master the skills. In addition to that, it is important to mention that to produce the desired piece of painting, you have to prepare adequately.

Any paint you come across is made of a ton of additives that make it suitable for use on a given surface. Floetrol is a good example of an additive in paint that enhances the properties of a particular paint. With that said, what is a paint leveler? Read on to find out more.

Definition Of A Paint Leveler

Paint levelers are also known as paint extenders. They are powdered particles that are majorly earthy which are added to paints to enhance their properties. They allow the application of paint on a given substance to become much easier. Additionally, paint levelers cause the paint to dry out much faster. The paint levelers do not change the basic characteristics of paint.

Composition of paint levelers

Paint levelers(extenders) are mostly solid with varying particles but they are mostly in powder form which enables them to properly blend with paint to increase its(paint) quantity and improve its filler properties. Additionally, they enhance your paint applicability properties by causing it to withstand the natural processes of wear and tear.

Importance of paint levelers

Just like other substances, paint contains important additives that contribute to its application properties. So, how important is a paint leveler? Let us take a look at some uses of paint leveler.

Leveler additives have other important chemical characteristics when they react with a given paint. They include:

  • Improved application of paint
  • Enhanced sticking abilities
  • Increased film ruggedness
  • It adds to the bulk of the paint

Choosing your leveling additive

The most common leveling agent is the improved polydimethylsiloxane which is a long-chain polymer. You can not use this additive in its pure state because they are incompatible with other additives found in paint. You Should consider choosing modified additives as your to improve the leveling abilities of paint. Modified grounding agents can improve the adhesive properties of your paint by stabilizing its form and surface tension.

Problems encountered during paint application

You want to create a near-perfect piece of painting without any unwanted blemishes and if you are a professional painter, your customers expect you to produce “pure gold”. Such results are achievable if you will select the best grounding agent and proper surface preparation before you start painting and this is where paint levelers come in.

That notwithstanding, a lot of times you will encounter a myriad of problems during painting and this does not mean you know anything as pertains to painting. These are common problems to expect but with adequate preparation, the chances of encountering such problems can be greatly reduced to achieve the desired finish.

The final look of your painting is determined by the nature of the painting you will apply whether you will spray it or use a roller when applying the paint. Additionally, the mode of drying will contribute to the quality of the final piece of your painting. So what problems are you likely to experience during your painting? Read on to discover more.

A characteristic Orange peel appearance

This is most common when doing spray painting and it is influenced by the following factors:

  • The viscosity of the substance used as a paint leveler.
  • Spraying  parameters such as air and liquid  ratio
  • The surface tension of the solution and the leveling agents used.

Craig-like formations

This is caused by contaminants in the solution that manifest during the drying process. The difference between the surface tension of the paint and impurities can also bring about this formation. Such impurities will affect the surface tension of paint and consequently lower its application properties.

Swellings on the surface

The swelling results due to the trapped air spaces in paints. They may also occur due to the availability of volatile agents in paint resulting in volcano-like formations on the painted surface. Adding paint levelers reduces this effect by acting as a filler to enhance the application properties of your paint.


Spraying paint on a surface is the most effective method when applying your undercoat. However, it may cause film retraction on the surface immediately after application in what is referred to as dewetting. The coloring agent supposedly wets the surface temporarily but after a short while, it retracts leaving behind ugly appearances. This scenario is possible due to a difference between the surface tension of the paint used and the additive.

Any paint you come across is made of a ton of additives that make it suitable for use on a given Floetrol is a good example of an additive in paint that enhances the properties of a particular paint. You will encounter a lot of challenges during the painting process which is why you should take precautions to avoid them.

Paint levelers are also known as paint extenders. They are soluble additives that improve the application properties of your paint. Ensure you choose the right extender for your paint to enable you to achieve your ultimate goal of a clear and smooth piece of painting. The type of leveling agent you choose will affect the time it takes for your paint to dry and this should be taken into consideration. Hope this helps, enjoy your painting!

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