How To Paint A Snowboard?

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Painting your keyboard may not be as difficult as you think but it may require some patience to get it done so in this segment, we will share some steps on how to paint a snowboard easily.

As you may know, painting your snowboard may take some time, especially if you’re adding details to it. Most people love to customize their snowboard to kinda personalize it in their own style. It may take some time but, in the end, it will be worth it, and this is whether you’re painting on a brand-new snowboard or just trying to repaint or add some fresh coats to the one you already have. Painting a snowboard is a great way to add life or revitalize an old snowboard and save some cash while at it. You’ll also be able to add some creativity along the way, whether you’re painting an old or a brand-new snowboard.

Things you’ll need to paint your snowboard:

  • Screwdriver
  • Dawn citrus cleaner
  • Cotton Swabs / Painters Tape
  • Rag / microfiber cloth
  • Paint / Sealers
  • Stencils
  • Water
  • Sandpaper

Painting your snowboard can be easily done or achieved by following the simple steps listed below:

Step 1. Remove the bindings if applicable

Before you start painting the snowboard make sure to remove the bindings if they are actually added to the snowboard as this will make painting the snowboard easier. Bindings help you clip into place but removing them while painting can provide you a better finish look.

To remove the bindings, you can use a screwdriver, locate the front cover and the back cover of the bindings, which actually protects the bindings screws, then pry them with a flat head screwdriver to open. Once open, unscrew the screws with the screwdriver, then pull bindings upward to remove. Keep in mind that this process is only required in cases where bindings are attached, new snowboards don’t actually come with the bindings added on.

Step 2. Cleaning your snowboard

Before you begin the process of painting the snowboard, you want to make sure the paint is added over a clean surface. If you add paint to a surface that is not cleaned properly it can cause the paint to not adhere properly and basically peel off. There are actually cleaners designed specifically for snowboards known as base cleaners which can be used if available but any other cleaning solution will work as well as long as you don’t use anything abrasive.

To create a cleaning solution, pour some water into a spray bottle and add some drops of Dawn citrus cleaner, mix well and apply it to the snowboard, use a sponge to scrub the surface using circular motions then use water to rinse it off. Dry excess water with a lint-free cloth and allow it to dry completely. You can also use rubbing alcohol by simply adding some to a rag or paper towel and wiping down the surface of the snowboard

Step 3. Sanding the snowboard with the right sandpaper

Sanding is very important as it will allow the new paint to adhere properly to the surface of the snowboard and also smoothen the area to even it out. Depending on the condition of the surface, sandpaper or a Scotch-Brite can be used. If there is a lot of scratches on the snowboard, 220-grit sandpaper may be required to smoothen out the surface, especially if you previously used any p-tex material on the surface, then use 320-grit sandpaper to even out the area.

To sand the snowboard, wrap the sandpaper on a sanding block and begin to sand the surface using long strokes and sanding from side to side adding a bit of pressure until the surface has been evenly sanded. Once finished, clean off the sanding dust with a damped micro fiber cloth until the surface is clean.

Step 4. Filling the binding holes and adding tape to the snowboard

Before you begin painting the snowboard, the binding holes should be covered to prevent them from filling up with paint. This can be done by using cotton swabs, big enough to fit into the hole. Once you’re finished with covering the binding holes, you can proceed with taping around the snowboard to prevent paint from splattering on the edges or on the back of it. In this case, painters’ tape can be used for a smooth removal, it will also be useful for taping the areas you’re planning to add details to.

Step 5. Choosing your snowboard sealer

In this phase, the painting process begins by choosing the color of the undercoat you want to be added to the snowboard. In this case, painters choose a color to add to the snowboard, and once cured, the tape can be used to add details to the snowboard but not all details require tape. Overall, a sealer will prevent a previous paint from reflecting through the topcoat and will also help create a water-resistant layer.

They are different ways to apply a sealer, it can be air sprayed or done with spray cans which are the most used methods when it comes to snowboards. In this case, a brushed-on option is not recommended to prevent brush strokes on the surface of the snowboard. The sealer can be applied 2-3 times allowing 10 minutes in between coats for the paint to dry. Apply more coats if necessary. Once all sealer coats are added, allow drying 2-3 hours before proceeding with the topcoat paint.

Step 6. Applying the paint to the snowboard

Once the sealer is added, you can proceed with the topcoat paint, which is actually the color you’ve chosen to paint on the snowboard.  Snowboard paints are normally added with air sprays but spray cans can also be used. Apply 2-3 coats of the paint, allowing 10 minutes in between coats for the paint to dry. Then let cure for 24 hours for the paint to complete. Once the paint is dry, you can then add any stencils to personalize your snowboard, and once dry, you can then apply 2-3 coats of clear coat to protect the paint.

During this process, make sure you’re working in a well-ventilated area and with proper protective gear such as masks and gloves. Hope you find these tips helpful.

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